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Monday, February 21, 2022

Yoga for Everyone


Yoga for Everyone

Yoga for Everyone
Yoga for Everyone

My grandma used to say I am a creative soul that has always been one until I was 9 years old. My mom, having come to this country in 1979, had the same effect on me. If she told you to go do something you’d never heard of before, you’d probably go and do it. Maybe even make up your own song (I still have some music saved into my phone). So, from my earliest age, yoga became a big part of my life.

I had taken an active interest in fitness at home, because as a teenager, I spent most weekends in the park or riding bikes. It made my mum so happy with how fit I was that she started to incorporate it into her own workouts. With great results, however, her son would have his way and he moved on from sports into yoga. After school, we would spend hours practicing breathing exercises, strength training or stretching. During this time, I was finding out more about yoga than I would like to admit (my mother is no fool). From the moment I learned it, I fell in love with it.

I remember going to our first class together when I was a young girl. I don’t remember what exactly happened during the class, but you know I loved it! We all stopped as soon as the teacher came down and said hello. I can remember standing there smiling at her, almost instantly becoming embarrassed, not wanting to make eye contact, thinking that I knew all by now. She just stood there with a smile on her face, taking pictures of us and putting them up on a poster. Of course, instead of doing anything that could hurt me, I decided to try a few poses while the teacher was looking at my body! Her whole body became light from being completely focused on me and I felt like I could disappear into thin air if desired. The next week, I took another exam without her! At age 10 I remember telling my mum about it. That night was the beginning of her teaching practice. There came a point in which she saw me and I saw her standing back in front of me. She smiled and looked over at herself in the mirror and saw that it wasn’t her eyes that were focused on herself, it was her body! In between posing, I had to breathe slowly as we went through each stretch. On day 7 of my practice, an elderly lady passed out at the end of my session. As the studio lights went off, her body began to relax for a while. All I could hear was the soft sound as her breath slowed down. Suddenly, my body responded even harder and my head tilted backwards. Immediately, I realised that when somebody breathes heavily, they become paralyzed and unable to breathe.

I felt utterly helpless and panic set in. Luckily, one of the teachers that worked with me helped me to stand on my feet, straighten my legs, and begin to walk. I felt a burning sensation in my throat, but my nose didn’t block out the smell. Eventually, I began to see things differently. By the middle of the class, she looked me down and smiled. Then, by the time the teacher got to give an assignment for the next class (I couldn’t wait for her to leave!), I was giggling uncontrollably. Although the fear melted away as quickly as the numbness, my anxiety and stress levels had begun to build again. The teacher seemed genuinely concerned, even though I hadn’t asked for a special task. When I finished giving my tasks, the teacher walked over and asked if she could help me get some exercise, especially now. She asked me ‘are you okay? Are you ready to take on the rest of your class?’ I froze in place. I was totally unprepared to reply with two possible responses: yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yeah, yeah! She told me that we might have to find a new teacher or if I want to try again, I can sign up for a different class. But I had no clue that that would happen. It all happened so fast, I honestly couldn’t believe it!

I never thought that I would be able to tell anyone or show my mum what I did. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be as famous or successful as I became after only three months of practising yoga. But I have. And I’m sure that no one will ever guess that I started exercising like a crazy person. I remember the feeling when I finally completed the last move of the class. Before then, while enjoying the applause, I knew I was very lucky. Because I was a small child that didn’t understand why, so I stayed silent. Finally my mum asked me what I would like to eat. Knowing full well that there are restrictions for vegetarian foods in America, I proudly shared that I would like spinach salad. Having prepared myself for her to complain, I continued to pretend that they don’t exist! All I wanted was a hug, but she wouldn’t let me, so when she eventually left, I just kept saying goodbye.

I can remember walking home from school, feeling incredibly grateful because in that short space of a minute, I was able to escape something that consumed my entire life for the sake of just getting home. I am now 43 years old, and have been practising yoga since March 2000 when I realized I could do it. Today, when people ask me what it means to live a healthy lifestyle, I would say that by incorporating regular yogic practices into my life, I am no longer living unhealthy lives! I feel good about this!

Yoga for Everyone
Yoga for Everyone


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