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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Full body workout in VR A free VR Fitness Experience and Yoga


Full body workout in VR A free VR Fitness Experience and Yoga

Full body workout in VR A free VR Fitness Experience and Yoga
Full body workout in VR A free VR Fitness Experience and Yoga

Virtual Reality is a reality based on the brain. This is one of the reasons why I was so excited as to create this virtual avatar of myself.

The reason that my creation has been created for you guys is because I am really an introvert. Since growing up, I have had a lot of fear throughout my early years of school. My mom tried everything she could to help me overcome his fears. That led to one of the most important things that pushed me out in the world. Anxiety. There are many ways to tackle anxiety, but one thing I found out about it was getting angry, which usually ended with not being able to control my anger any longer. It was hard for me to find the source of my anxiety, or be able to control it. The only way I managed for them to get better was through exercise. Even though I had so much fun working out, all I couldn’t do is sit in front of the tv and watch TV show after show. One day, one of the doctors at work recommended that I take some anger management classes. What my mind thought was a bad time was actually a good time. Taking these classes made me realize that I wouldn’t always feel like having a stressful time. It made me realize that I needed to start practicing how to manage anger before a conflict ever happened.

The first meditation class was very helpful, and when taking another class back in October, I started doing more meditations. Most of the time, I would just go to my room, shut off my phone and close my eyes. But then, that wasn’t the case too often. When the situation didn’t seem like a huge risk. When I could take control of my emotions and stay calm instead of giving into their panic attacks. This caused so many thoughts from “what ifs” to “what coulda beens.” As if I was never truly terrified. All of this happened while I was having therapy classes. I did not know it then, but when I thought it was helping, it was actually my own anxiety. Because I could change my mind, I was controlling my emotions. By doing something that helped my mental ability, I was also controlling my stress of anger that I got every night.

This is what really made me want to create this character in Vr; a superhero who fights against her enemies. She can use power from the sun or rain. Her powers come from pure love to pure revenge. Although it is super powerful, there are still consequences. She must look after her family, and she will suffer for breaking that rule every once in a while. At the beginning, there were no obvious flaws. However, it became clear that she was a woman no matter what she did, that she was a good person. But as her power began to grow, her weakness came into play. Once she realized that, she changed completely. After trying numerous treatments, medication and even psychotherapy. They didn’t help anymore and the fact that they tried made her stronger than before. Now her powers became even more overwhelming, and it became difficult for her to handle life with the power she gained. With the assistance of the man she loved, John D. Mackey, she finally took steps towards redemption; but, it was too late. He died five months ago when he contracted COVID-19. Luckily for her, her sister lives with Mary Lou Mackey, and Mary Lou is a strong advocate that could get John D. saved. While Mary Lou was going to try in vain to save John D., his powers and abilities, he took his last breath on July 23rd 2020.

My sister is now living alone with me. I was so broken. No amount of therapy, medication, and psychotherapy would help me. To add to that, I lost a big friend that I cared so deeply for. She truly understood me very well. She knew what it felt like. So when I lost my best friend, I realized I can’t go on living. Not just because of my parents, but because of the society that I lived in. We live in two different worlds in our own little corner of the universe. I believe it’s time for us to stop existing in both worlds, and live in one. My dreams of becoming a superhero are gone, and this new chapter in my life has taught me so many valuable lessons that I still remember. Sometimes life throws us curveball in the form of grief or rejection. These aren’t easy feelings but they are exactly what we deserve. Life hurts, sometimes so badly. But because I know I could survive, I still fight and try to do everything in my power to make sure that I don’t hurt anybody else. So, maybe you get rejected (or you may get accepted) sometimes. But I hope we learn how to deal with our losses and move forward from what we’ve experienced into the future. That’s part of the pain of life. You get past the loss and turn your focus to the future and beyond the loss, and you learn how to thrive again because you learned how to let go and rebuild. There’s nothing harder for someone who has lived more than you. Being there for the people who are not able to experience it all the way would be a true blessing. Letting each other down makes us all feel fragile in our own ways and it’s hard to know the right answers. That’s what makes it such an incredible feeling to see yourself and your friends thrive. Learning who can be there for others, and who isn’t is such a beautiful and unique process. If you want to make an impact in your life, be empathetic towards others.

Since creating this character, I have had a lot of questions regarding how the character gets used. Is her voice just a line, or does she have a voice? How she moves? Does she have physical attributes? Do we see her face? Are we able to physically touch her? I think I can answer those questions by saying that it is likely she has a microphone that works directly on her head. From watching a few videos, it looks like she has a box that fits her perfectly. While I’m very thankful for the creator of this character for doing such amazing work, we need to keep supporting the creators until they get a brand new set of skills. Until then, please support me as I continue to grow my fan base and make memories with everyone I meet. Love yourself always, and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @jessicacoble_taylor_vn.

Full body workout in VR A free VR Fitness Experience and Yoga
Full body workout in VR A free VR Fitness Experience and Yoga


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