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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Yoga as exercise


Yoga as exercise

Yoga as exercise
Yoga as exercise

What is Yoga?

As per American Yoga Federation, the term yoga was first used by Swami Vivekananda and Bhavana Gopinath in 1930 at their ashram ashrams in India. The word yoga was derived from Sanskrit word meaning half moon or lunar body which means “sun”. During that time when no one knew how to live life, the yogis were practicing yoga as an alternative way of living life. Later on in history, it became known as "Yoga".

In its purest form, yoga is a non-violent physical training method developed by B. K.S. Iyengar. It is also known as hatha yoga or power yoga. On average, hatha yoga consists of eight to 12 poses. These are called Sivanas (or seven limbs) and Dashanas (or two legs). You can get up to 20 different kinds of hatha movements, depending upon your instructor and level of practice. But the most important thing to remember about hatha yoga is that it is extremely slow and deliberate. This is an excellent exercise for all ages, and it helps in reducing stress levels, improving flexibility, and strengthening muscles.

Is yoga beneficial? Yes, yes, because it relieves stress, improves flexibility, and boosts metabolism. Not only does yoga help you work out your core muscle strength, but it also helps to lose weight. Many people have gained hundreds of pounds of weight by following a strict workout routine where they try out yoga asana. It is just like walking in a gym. Your body will burn calories, and you will maintain muscle mass. A large proportion of your diet is spent on yoga. With this, the cost of fitness becomes much less, and it's a great way to get fit and stay healthy!

How much does yoga cost? If you are looking for an affordable solution to getting fit and staying healthy, then there are several options available to you. Yogic studios offer online classes for beginners to advanced students. There are also numerous apps and resources online that give you tips on how to incorporate yoga into your daily life. However, these are not mandatory. Also, before you sign a regular membership, check the terms of service and read through the details that are posted by your instructors so that you know exactly what is involved. In addition to being guided, you might be required to take part in various activities like yoga classes, yoga retreats, or community yoga centers. Each of them has their own fees. Yoga schools vary wildly, too. Some offer free tuition if we join during certain times during the day, others charge a flat rate of $250-$500 annually. They are also well equipped with studio equipment such as a mat or cushion to relieve pressure points and crunches on the back of our neck. Apart from that, some of them even provide us with blankets to make it easier of sleeping on the floor. These schools require us to undergo rigorous fitness tests to ensure that we can do all the above.

Yoga teachers often teach us by showing videos that we need to perform each exercise properly. Sometimes, they show us exercises that we are already familiar with. I myself have been watching YouTube tutorials at least 3 hours every day.

Who should go? Everyone, I'd say. Every student is unique and has the right attitude to adopt while taking to the mat. Don't rush yourself and take your time with yoga. Take your time to meditate for 5 minutes a few times a week. No matter what your schedule is like, take 15 minutes after lunch or dinner to sit down and begin your yoga session. Do this at least 30 minutes early in the morning so that you don't feel bloated about sitting down. Once you're seated down, your body temperature should start rising. Get into the trance with your entire being, don’t let anything else influence your mind. Make sure that you are breathing deeply. Begin with gentle deep breaths. You must avoid rolling your eyes or frowning whenever you notice something wrong. By doing this, you will quickly find yourself relaxing and becoming calm in your body. Keep your chin relaxed and shoulders raised in a neutral position. Keeping your stomach tight will keep your blood flowing smoothly throughout your whole system. Try a breath of air from your lips. Bring your feet together and stand with your torso stretched up and toes flat on the ground. Look at the ground, step your toes towards front, and slowly walk forward. Relax your hands, knees, ankles, chest and shoulders to stretch your head. Bend the arms upward. Lift your feet and push the soles of your feet into the ground. Breathe deeply and hold onto the toes of the shoe that is holding you tightly. Let the foot continue to rest on the toe. Allow your fingers to touch the toes. Keep them warm. Then stand again to repeat the same process in the opposite direction. Repeat this 10 –12 times a minute.

Now, start to laugh at yourself! After you get out of the meditation state, you will probably laugh at yourself for a little bit. But remember that laughing does not mean that you are unhappy. You should be happy or sad about something happening in your life. Just a burst of laughter could mean the end of depression. Also, watch your body change. You might start sweating, feeling hot, and then going cold right away. At any point in time, you might wonder whether you look fat or thin. Watch your body increase and reduce in size. Now, keep an eye on your neck, shoulders, waist and thighs. When you feel tired, start lifting your leg up and feel it. It will get harder to get yourself up. Eventually, you can start pushing your feet and slowly walk. Stand upright as soon as possible. Walk up to the floor, bend your knees a couple inches, and lift yourself up. Hold onto the doorframe and put your hand under the waist to support yourself. Lower yourself down. Rest your head on the knee beneath it and breathe. Continue up to the end, where you will be standing up straight and balancing yourself. Turn around to face the mirror and smile. Go home and look yourself in the eyes after a few days of yoga. And remember how good it feels.

Yoga as exercise
Yoga as exercise


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