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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

This article is about Yoga for Complete Beginners 20 min at home workout and many other benefits of doing this asana.

Yoga is one of the most popular yogic and meditation practices that helps in increasing our flexibility, reducing stress, helping us learn various meditation skills and also improving our mood and concentration levels. It has become a part of almost every physical activity, especially for those who are practicing it for its mental health benefits. However, we find ourselves feeling the need to practice more. As much as we want to spend hours on Yoga or trying out different poses, there are some which require 20 minutes only. At times you may wish to have time for something while traveling to another place, taking meals in between sitting for long hours at work or even when watching TV. But, sometimes we can’t find enough time for everything we want to do so, we start questioning why we are struggling with doing something else when we can just practice Yoga for 10 mins. To get rid of all these doubts we come up with ways to do Yoga. A lot of us are busy going through multiple jobs, working out and trying out new recipes and we don’t realize how little time we have to devote for ourselves. That makes us feel like if our priorities aren’t sorted it will be difficult to prioritize anything else. Luckily, Yoga doesn’t have one single priority like that but instead does give us an opportunity to focus and take care of ourselves. Let’s look into Yoga for Complete Beginners 20 minute yoga workout.

Yoga for Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

A Yoga for Complete Beginner Home Workout

To begin with, let's see what yoga for complete beginner 20 minute home yoga workout is all about.

Yoga for Complete Beginners 20-Minute Home Fitness Workout - It provides the key guidelines needed for beginners level training but not so hard to follow along with it.

When practicing Yoga, we are usually required to sit for around 1 hour. During this time period, we use the breath and movement of the body to create balance and strengthen the muscles in our legs, hips, torso and shoulders. These muscles tend to be weak, yet they help us maintain a good posture. We also perform deep breathing while resting, which keeps in mind the fact that our lungs were not able to breathe during our first attempt at Standing Up Poses, thereby making your whole back and neck tense. Hence, we need to be well prepared for this kind of situations.

What is Yoga

Yoga is considered as one of the most ancient religions in India, with thousands of years of history on it. Practicing Yoga is about developing strong physical and emotional awareness. If we make effort to stay fit, we get mentally stronger, and physically healthier and this can lead to achieving greater success in life without compromising on the quality of your life. When practising Yoga, we go beyond being simply sitting cross legged positions and into standing straight up asanas and performing Breathing Positions.

Most importantly, Yoga is considered an art because of the different styles and modifications used by different masters. There are hundreds of variations of Yoga, depending upon the type of pose or the style, of course. The goal of Yoga for Complete Beginners 20-Minute Home Yoga Workout is to develop proper form by using several movements from the following categories :

1) Standup Stretch - In this session, you will be using your abdominal muscles to stretch as much as possible. The abdominal muscles should stretch far and tight in order to achieve this particular type of position. You should also stretch each leg together as well as rotate slightly on the left foot and right foot. This type of postures makes the entire whole body tighter.

2) Mountain Climber – This is certainly one of the most famous types of Yoga, where the abdominal muscles get stretched, so you have to stand upright and perform small hip rolls. While lying on the ground, rotate your left knee towards the buttocks. Bend a right arm forward and switch to a half plank position. Afterward, bend both legs and keep raising it upward. Hold this position for 30 minutes then do the same asanas again.

3) Wide Legged Forward Bend – Perform this postures, standing upright and bending over your knees. Walk backward and raise your legs until you can feel your feet touch the floor. Bring your hands together and stretch them up and down on the right side of your back and stretch both arms downward from your sides. Repeat the same exercise on the opposite side and return to the starting position. Come ahead and wrap your palms around your abdomen and perform this exercise two to three times per stretch with your hands behind you.

4) Warrior Poses – These are very similar in nature with the warrior's club pose but with a twist on the spine, twisting into a Half Moon Stance. Perform this round the front and round the back of your hand towards the core, keeping your chin lifted. Lift both legs off the ground and extend your chest towards the sky. Take control of this by giving yourself a high kick, and returning to the original position. Come on slowly and repeat this five to six times per stretch.

5) Cat-Cow Pose – Similar to the cat poses, cat-cow is a seated version of Full Leg Raises. Lie down on your back with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and your toes pointing inwards. Raise your legs above your head with your hands on top of your shoulders. Place your feet comfortably beneath your knees and roll your legs towards the ceiling. Roll back as you bring your legs back into the starting position and try to inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Go for 10–15 minutes and then repeat your same asanas twice each time.

6) Balasana – Balasana, is a low plank position. Lie down on your stomach under the feet. Extend yourself forward from your waist and pull your heels towards the ground. Bend your wrists and lift your front leg and turn it to face the door. Keep your upper back away from the door and draw your bow (inhale) up towards the sky. Return to the starting position. Repeat the steps for 5–7 minutes.

7) Butterfly Shaped Child’s Pose – This is a great way to release tension from your shoulders. Practice this by holding an elbow on each side of your head and fold your body over your legs. Bend your knees and stretch your feet towards the floor to give yourself a wider shoulder angle. Jump up and touch your toes towards the feet. Lower yourself back down and stretch your toes towards the ceiling as follows. Do 10–15 minutes every time and repeat.

8) Plank Pose – Try to hold this pose for 45–60 seconds. Start on your butt rather than your calves and lower yourself up from there. Extend your arms backwards with folded hands, bringing the elbows close to each other. Jump up from here and return to the mat to rest. This is a very basic and important exercise for the muscle development of the back.

9) Crescent Bridge – Begin in a standing position with your palms facing the front of each other. Step one foot forward and step one foot back. Put your arms in front and slowly bend your knees towards a star formation. Repeat this for 8–10 minutes and go for 15 minutes every time.

10) Single Arm Row – Make sure the elbows are placed parallel to the ribs and shoulder blades of the spine. Lower yourself down from a kneeling position to a squatting position, then get on your knees and turn your thighs slightly and reverse into a standing position. Repeat this for 8–10 minutes till your knee reaches 90 degree and then go for 10–15 minutes.

11) Ustrabasis – With your knees bent, bend your knees a few inches and reach behind your body to stretch your hands. Jump up and jump onto your toes and walk back to the mat. Repeat this for 30–50 minutes and then rest for 10–15 minutes.

12) Squat Down – Now squat down to a chair. Jump towards the seat and grab the handle. Swing your legs like running and drop yourself down by bending both knees. Walk back to the beginning position and repeat this for 60–80 minutes.

13) Hamstring Twist – Have your ankles and shoulders touch the ground and stand back up as this is the primary strength in the abdominal muscles. Bend your knees and reach to the ground for support. Jump right back to the starting position and repeat it for 60–80 minutes, or even more.

14) Tree Pose – To begin this, lie down on your stomach. Push your lower body, bending your knees and reaching your feet towards the ground. Jump back to the beginning position and repeat it for 10–15 minutes or more.

15) Reverse Dogger Kicks – Take a big leap as you are climbing up from a kneeling position to a standing one. Repeat this for eight–12 minutes and then take a break.

16) Admire Me Pose – Start in a standing position. Shift your attention to your eyes and stretch your body towards the wall. Grab the handles on the wall and pull yourself into a Spider Dog Kicks position with your knees. Stay with this position for 8–10 minutes. Afterward, it's time to take a breather and repeat the process again.

17) Legs Openers – Start by laying on your tum and raise your legs overhead until your feet are parallel to the ground. Bend your knees and sit down on your toes and open your legs into Single Arms Kicks as your body goes up. Continue to throw the leg openers for a total time of eight–10 minutes and then rest for 10–15 minutes.

18) Side Angle – Lift your legs up like someone is swinging

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout

Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners


Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners

Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners
Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners
Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners

Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners

I am a Certified Personal Trainer and also I train women who have been successful in achieving the yogic lifestyle goals of body transformation, yoga training, meditation, mindfulness, yoga poses, breathwork, and meditation meditation.

The benefits of this life-changing practice are immeasurable but I believe that you must first understand each other before sharing your experience with others. So, my yoga weight loss challenge 20 minutes is just for beginners’s, yogi’s, students, instructors, and anyone who wants to follow or know about yogic lifestyle body transformation.

Since there are no “rules” or “exact” way to do it and most importantly, we live in times we are living in, I challenge you to experiment with a variety of different approaches to help you find the perfect one for you to start your journey. These methods are all well known and accepted as part of their respective yogic traditions (or ways of life) however there is one key caveat to consider in any endeavor whether it be running or taking up a new fitness challenge:

1. Find some form of exercise that you enjoy doing

The best thing about being fit into an organized movement routine is that it makes for structure that is easy to maintain and it allows your sense of self to come out, especially when you love doing it. When your favorite activities aren’t getting taken up, feel free to move around, take advantage of classes at schools, or try something completely different.

Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners
Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners

2. You should have something going on in your busy day-to-day schedule that can be incorporated into your yoga workout. Maybe you need a job, maybe some family time is needed. If you do not, think of another reason to fit in your routine, otherwise you will get stressed and likely end up burning all that hard work you put into it.

Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners
Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners

3. Use these same hours as your gym time to incorporate more deep breathing and yoga poses

For me personally finding some time to breathe into my meditation session was a crucial factor that helped me reach new heights of peace before the sun would even set. My first step in incorporating more yoga into my daily life was by finding a quiet spot to go to and using a few quick breaths every morning as my main focus. Nowadays, whenever I go to work, I always include a yoga class into my routine and I have made it an annual habit to do so, since they are so beneficial to me both mentally and physically.

Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners
Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners

4. Take the time to yourself without distractions

Having trouble staying focused? Listen to music. If you want to listen to music while on your yoga journey, be sure to add in a few meditations into the music you are listening to. Just like your yogic rituals, meditation is a fantastic way to relax, be alone with your soul-self, and clear your mind. Get into your own head, create your own reality and let your thoughts flow with you.

Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners
Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners

5. Your heart rate will increase after each yoga pose. Practice slow and steady and work toward building muscle control over time. This means that you don’t want to burn all that oxygen and end up feeling faint and short of breath when the pose finishes. Remember that this is just an initial start and once you have built-up strength, you will be able to continue making these important changes in your body.

Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners
Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners

6. Don’t count yourself out if this isn’t working

You do not need to use every single method mentioned above to get results. Not only does your body need to grow as it needs to become stronger and bigger, it needs to be trained and conditioned in order to grow, too.

Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners
Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners

Now, the question is: what’s next? For now, the rest of this article will be about the 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout and how your approach will help you achieve the results you are looking for.

I hope that you benefit from this process and keep exploring your body in the hopes of becoming a better person!

Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners
Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners

Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners
Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners
Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners
Yoga Weight Loss Challenge 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

New York Yoga


New york Yoga

New York Yoga
New York Yoga
New York Yoga
New York Yoga

I was born in Manhattan and moved to the Bronx when I was a teenager. When I started working as an English teacher, I met students who had already grown up there and we quickly bonded as friends. At first it seemed like our paths were just different. We were from two completely different worlds and it was amazing for me to be able to interact with their lives so closely. After we all became friends, we started going to school together, getting a diploma in Teaching.

In college, there were many classes that would bring students together but, this one really stood out to my husband because of how close my kids are. And so, I decided to teach Yoga. This is what I did for 4 years and in those 4 years I was teaching over 200 classes and taught thousands of students (including Yoga) around the world. Now, as I look back at those 4 years, I can't believe how much time has passed since I started teaching Yoga. My husband is now 41 years old and I have another 5 years left on my current license for a total of 3 years and counting.

The reason that all these years of helping people come into a better understanding of themselves, I think that I am the best teacher on Earth. There was a moment when I went over into my office in order to make some coffee and I saw my cup on the counter and said "What the hell do I have coffee on?” Then I took a sip and realized what I had was a teaspoon of cocoa powder on top of my coffee (I love my coffee!)

My children also loved having coffee but I couldn’t find anything else that they liked or enjoyed while eating it. So I asked myself, why don’t I try something other than caffeine? It turns out, I had no idea that Coffee had any kind of coffee or if it had any effect on them. All I knew about coffee was that it is delicious but not the drinker's choice. It turns out that there was always someone who didn’t like it, and then there were never enough cups of it! As I went through each year, I began learning more and more about Yoga, and what I truly believed it to be. One day I was reading the book Yoga For People Who Want To Be Happier and it dawned on me that Yoga was what I was looking for in life and I wanted to help others to become happier by doing Yoga. The only problem was that it was difficult to study all the material on YouTube. It was hard to learn all the poses, and it was hard to practice them everyday. But soon I was trying to put all this information into a long-term budget plan that I had set up to get me where I needed to go. All these months of studying were taking up too much space on my family schedule and I stopped finding time even though I still had many classes I never got to finish. My children begged me, and eventually, it became clear to everyone that I would need to start teaching again. At this point, I was 30 days away from reopening my studio in NYC and that meant that I was getting ready to take a week off. It was late the next morning when my husband came home and told us he needed to be with his children early. He told me he was running late and he was glad but he was worried he wouldn’t be in time to be in class before the day ended. We had been saying that he shouldn’t have been leaving to run so early but I thought we were okay. I told him I wanted to give him time to take care of his business and that’s true, but I also wanted to keep in mind that he should be there for my children. So, I decided to meet him later than we planned. A few hours later, my husband and I were sitting around the kitchen table and I got up to grab my phone and call my daughter right away. The alarm was going off on my phone and I grabbed it so I could call her right away.

When she answered me she asked me, “Hey Mom, how’s things? Is Dad coming home right as expected?” Before I could answer that question, I heard her mother ask her, “Hi Mom, I'm sorry he ran late last night. Do you know when he will be?” She looked down at her phone only to see the message that her father had received from Mike Ritts saying there was a chance to get an offer letter for my job. I looked at the picture, and she smiled and nodded her head, knowing that things always change. That experience was proof that I needed to start thinking differently when it came to accepting responsibility. With every mistake, I began to realize that I didn’t want to take responsibility for it. I wanted to blame others for my own actions. Eventually, I took my foot off the gas and let anyone handle the responsibilities. If it doesn’t work out it wasn’t a failure in the end, and it worked out perfectly. In retrospect, I have learned so much more in the past ten years than I ever thought possible. Just recently, when we found out we were expecting twins my husband and I finally made the decision to start planning with our three boys. It was very difficult for both of us when we came to this realization and it hurt our feelings. But we came into this decision with full knowledge of our family and our future together. We know that things won’t turn out how we want them to because we were willing to wait for them or risk falling apart because of this. I have learned to live with a lot of uncertainty. I didn’t want kids to be anxious just because something happened. I learned that I am responsible for everything I create because I created the life I have and I am doing the parenting stuff that comes along with it. What I never knew that I would need to do this is that when you make mistakes, you learn nothing. You learn more. Nothing you are taught in life changes you but your attitude and perspective on life. I have learned that sometimes it takes almost ten minutes, and sometimes it takes 10 whole days for you to get used to something. Because our minds aren’t capable of dealing with huge amounts of information, we suffer from massive ignorance. Not until we receive all of this information does it actually sink in that we know more than what we think. I was so scared and sad when we found out we were expecting twins that we wouldn’t need to worry about. But once we found out we were expecting twins everything changed. Having a girl wasn't even a possibility for me. This new discovery caused me to stop making careless decisions in my life. Things like relationships and marriage started changing in ways I never anticipated. Even though I knew that something would happen and it would change my life forever, it never really occurred to me that I would need to change for the better. If I can’t make changes in my life, it is the least likely scenario that I will go down a path that causes pain.

It turns out that I needed to change my attitude and mindset in order to make room to process my emotions. I had been keeping things bottled up inside and all of a sudden I had to use the time and energy outside of my everyday routines to release emotional energy that I didn’t know that I had been lacking all this time. Without going through with my usual routine of watching TV, exercising, and sleeping for most of every afternoon, I sat down and started writing letters. Writing a letter doesn’t sound like such a big deal when I write one to my sister for Christmas. Instead, being creative like I was showed me the power that words hold and that if I wrote something and left it unspoken, people wouldn’t know. I had no idea I was doing something different. It was a revelation for me as well as for my family that reading the newspaper was okay and reading my books wasn’t. My books were meant to entertain me while I wrote my letters on paper, so why turn it into something I could read without it hurting my mood? It turned out that these kinds of experiences were causing me to dig deeper and delve into self-discovery. Self-discovery is important because it allows me more time to be productive. Since I started writing letters I've started to learn quite a bit about myself inside and outside of my body. Some aspects of my self-discovery I experienced included:

· I finally understood anxiety and depression. Usually after reading a book for the umpteenth and twentieth time I’m convinced I’m reading a chapter wrong, I get bored and leave it alone. Once I realized that I was afraid that I was becoming someone else I didn’t want to be, I started writing letters, showing them to my sisters and friends, and telling them about the times that I was worried about this. Writing letters allowed me to talk freely, it gave me permission to show up I didn’t think I could. They were my conversations, they were private in nature and allowed me to feel comfortable speaking about my struggles. By sharing them, I was able to talk about my fears, my doubts, and even my dreams. From talking about them and feeling comfortable taking them out of my letters and being told, “Oh, well, you know… we all get depressed sometimes…” I was able to begin to open up and express myself a little bit more. I could finally allow myself to be vulnerable and share the thoughts I had. Through writing, I was able to let anyone know that sometimes all you think you can do is scare yourself. Being vulnerable opened new doors in my life. My family and friends told me about my struggle with perfectionism and self-esteem issues but I never shared

New York Yoga
New York Yoga

New York Yoga
New York Yoga

Yoga as exercise


Yoga as exercise

Yoga as exercise
Yoga as exercise

What is Yoga?

As per American Yoga Federation, the term yoga was first used by Swami Vivekananda and Bhavana Gopinath in 1930 at their ashram ashrams in India. The word yoga was derived from Sanskrit word meaning half moon or lunar body which means “sun”. During that time when no one knew how to live life, the yogis were practicing yoga as an alternative way of living life. Later on in history, it became known as "Yoga".

In its purest form, yoga is a non-violent physical training method developed by B. K.S. Iyengar. It is also known as hatha yoga or power yoga. On average, hatha yoga consists of eight to 12 poses. These are called Sivanas (or seven limbs) and Dashanas (or two legs). You can get up to 20 different kinds of hatha movements, depending upon your instructor and level of practice. But the most important thing to remember about hatha yoga is that it is extremely slow and deliberate. This is an excellent exercise for all ages, and it helps in reducing stress levels, improving flexibility, and strengthening muscles.

Is yoga beneficial? Yes, yes, because it relieves stress, improves flexibility, and boosts metabolism. Not only does yoga help you work out your core muscle strength, but it also helps to lose weight. Many people have gained hundreds of pounds of weight by following a strict workout routine where they try out yoga asana. It is just like walking in a gym. Your body will burn calories, and you will maintain muscle mass. A large proportion of your diet is spent on yoga. With this, the cost of fitness becomes much less, and it's a great way to get fit and stay healthy!

How much does yoga cost? If you are looking for an affordable solution to getting fit and staying healthy, then there are several options available to you. Yogic studios offer online classes for beginners to advanced students. There are also numerous apps and resources online that give you tips on how to incorporate yoga into your daily life. However, these are not mandatory. Also, before you sign a regular membership, check the terms of service and read through the details that are posted by your instructors so that you know exactly what is involved. In addition to being guided, you might be required to take part in various activities like yoga classes, yoga retreats, or community yoga centers. Each of them has their own fees. Yoga schools vary wildly, too. Some offer free tuition if we join during certain times during the day, others charge a flat rate of $250-$500 annually. They are also well equipped with studio equipment such as a mat or cushion to relieve pressure points and crunches on the back of our neck. Apart from that, some of them even provide us with blankets to make it easier of sleeping on the floor. These schools require us to undergo rigorous fitness tests to ensure that we can do all the above.

Yoga teachers often teach us by showing videos that we need to perform each exercise properly. Sometimes, they show us exercises that we are already familiar with. I myself have been watching YouTube tutorials at least 3 hours every day.

Who should go? Everyone, I'd say. Every student is unique and has the right attitude to adopt while taking to the mat. Don't rush yourself and take your time with yoga. Take your time to meditate for 5 minutes a few times a week. No matter what your schedule is like, take 15 minutes after lunch or dinner to sit down and begin your yoga session. Do this at least 30 minutes early in the morning so that you don't feel bloated about sitting down. Once you're seated down, your body temperature should start rising. Get into the trance with your entire being, don’t let anything else influence your mind. Make sure that you are breathing deeply. Begin with gentle deep breaths. You must avoid rolling your eyes or frowning whenever you notice something wrong. By doing this, you will quickly find yourself relaxing and becoming calm in your body. Keep your chin relaxed and shoulders raised in a neutral position. Keeping your stomach tight will keep your blood flowing smoothly throughout your whole system. Try a breath of air from your lips. Bring your feet together and stand with your torso stretched up and toes flat on the ground. Look at the ground, step your toes towards front, and slowly walk forward. Relax your hands, knees, ankles, chest and shoulders to stretch your head. Bend the arms upward. Lift your feet and push the soles of your feet into the ground. Breathe deeply and hold onto the toes of the shoe that is holding you tightly. Let the foot continue to rest on the toe. Allow your fingers to touch the toes. Keep them warm. Then stand again to repeat the same process in the opposite direction. Repeat this 10 –12 times a minute.

Now, start to laugh at yourself! After you get out of the meditation state, you will probably laugh at yourself for a little bit. But remember that laughing does not mean that you are unhappy. You should be happy or sad about something happening in your life. Just a burst of laughter could mean the end of depression. Also, watch your body change. You might start sweating, feeling hot, and then going cold right away. At any point in time, you might wonder whether you look fat or thin. Watch your body increase and reduce in size. Now, keep an eye on your neck, shoulders, waist and thighs. When you feel tired, start lifting your leg up and feel it. It will get harder to get yourself up. Eventually, you can start pushing your feet and slowly walk. Stand upright as soon as possible. Walk up to the floor, bend your knees a couple inches, and lift yourself up. Hold onto the doorframe and put your hand under the waist to support yourself. Lower yourself down. Rest your head on the knee beneath it and breathe. Continue up to the end, where you will be standing up straight and balancing yourself. Turn around to face the mirror and smile. Go home and look yourself in the eyes after a few days of yoga. And remember how good it feels.

Yoga as exercise
Yoga as exercise

Monday, February 21, 2022

Yoga Poses for Beginners that will Give you Countless Benefits


Yoga Poses for Beginners that will Give you Countless Benefits

Yoga Poses for Beginners that will Give you Countless Benefits
Yoga Poses for Beginners that will Give you Countless Benefits

Welcome to the website!

What is Yoga?

An ancient yogic science, yoga has been practiced by ancient Indians and other nations across the globe for thousands of years. However, many people still have no idea what exactly this practice entails or how it can help them stay fit and relieve stress at their work and even in their personal life. This article seeks to educate you on the benefits of yoga and its various yoga poses to bring out a better understanding of the practice and offer you a comprehensive guide that will aid your fitness goals.

What Are The Exercises In Yoga According To Research?

There are several types of yoga as explained here, each with its own set of benefits. Let’s take an insight into them.

Yoga Pose (Siddhasana)

The Siddhasana pose helps release tension from hamstrings, neck, back and shoulders and therefore relieves a tight feeling in those muscles as well. Practicing this exercise will also make your lungs function more efficiently and increase lung capacity as well as cardiovascular fitness. You will be able to get rid of bad breath as well as the constipation, bloating, acidity and flatulence that comes with toxins when your stomach and intestines grow bloated. Also Read – How to Stay Fit Without Spending Time On Internet Or TV?

Yoga Plank

The plank poses help improve stability in the body

It also improves blood circulation to the extremities and joints through improving muscle strength

It increases circulation of air and nutrients throughout your entire body, which ultimately increases energy and vitality

Yoga Crunches

Crunches help relieve tension and build muscle strength

They also help stretch muscles, joints, abdominal organs and provide excellent posture on your lower body which is especially important as you go about day-to-day activities. Some research shows that they can also reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression and insomnia. But it is also believed that their weight gain may increase if not controlled.

Yoga Chair Pose

This easy yet effective movement helps improve lung capacity and flexibility

It strengthens core muscles and makes the chest and head stronger

It also reduces symptoms of back pain, headaches, knee pain and menstrual cramps

Yoga Mountain Climbers

This pose focuses on strengthening inner thighs and calves

It allows us to push past our limits and perform high intensity poses that require quick and accurate movements

It also alleviates pain lower back and groin area

Many studies show that it effectively regulates cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the body and lowers cholesterol

Yoga Surya Namaskara

This particular stretch targets the sacral bone and spine in order to achieve balance and toning in the upper body, lower body and butt. It loosens up muscle and makes it easy to move around the entire body. It also improves spinal alignment, flexibility, balance and coordination

Yoga Butterfly Pose

A lot of physical activity and exercise can lower blood pressure

It increases heart rate, metabolism and respiration

It also improves self esteem and general wellbeing in both your mind and body

Yoga Legs Uppercase Holds

These hold positions help strengthen knees and lower body

It decreases muscle stiffness and joint pain

It also enhances cardiovascular endurance

Yoga Adho Mukha Svanasana (Kundalini Dandasana)

This is one of the most basic poses to do. It relieves stress and strengthens the hip flexors

It also puts the thigh firmly on the ground to balance the entire pelvis

As the name suggests, it stretches the whole body through adduction to the leg extensions

Yoga Triangle Stand & Sit

This position is suitable for beginners to intermediate level. It improves leg strength. Also, it promotes healthy posture for improved mobility

Yoga Tree Pose

You can use all these poses at least four times a week according to the research. They reduce knee pain, back pain and shoulder issues

Yoga Burpees (Garobhatan Chaturdashi)

This is a simple but effective workout for increasing stamina & agility of body

It also balances your body and releases pent-up energy

You can start practicing this exercise with little supervision

Yoga Boat Pose

It increases lower body muscular development

It stimulates blood flow and digestion and speeds up digestion of food

It also improves oxygenation of cells and tissues in the lower body

Yoga Bridge

It aids deep breathing which is essential in improving cognitive abilities & brain power

It also improves shoulder mobility and flexibility

Yoga Warrior I Pose (Bhujangasana)

It increases hamstring flexibility

It releases tension from hamstrings, neck, back and shoulders and thus relieves a tight feeling in those muscles as well. Practicing this exercise will also make your lungs function more efficiently and increase lung capacity as well as cardiovascular fitness

Yoga Bow Pose

It can cause hip flexing in the lower body

It also helps stretch hamstrings

It enhances core strength

You can incorporate different variations of this yoga pose while performing so you get the best advantages of getting all the above mentioned benefits. Your body aches and pains can become better catered to once you start doing yoga.

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