Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
This article is about Yoga for Complete Beginners 20 min at home workout and many other benefits of doing this asana.
Yoga is one of the most popular yogic and meditation practices that helps in increasing our flexibility, reducing stress, helping us learn various meditation skills and also improving our mood and concentration levels. It has become a part of almost every physical activity, especially for those who are practicing it for its mental health benefits. However, we find ourselves feeling the need to practice more. As much as we want to spend hours on Yoga or trying out different poses, there are some which require 20 minutes only. At times you may wish to have time for something while traveling to another place, taking meals in between sitting for long hours at work or even when watching TV. But, sometimes we can’t find enough time for everything we want to do so, we start questioning why we are struggling with doing something else when we can just practice Yoga for 10 mins. To get rid of all these doubts we come up with ways to do Yoga. A lot of us are busy going through multiple jobs, working out and trying out new recipes and we don’t realize how little time we have to devote for ourselves. That makes us feel like if our priorities aren’t sorted it will be difficult to prioritize anything else. Luckily, Yoga doesn’t have one single priority like that but instead does give us an opportunity to focus and take care of ourselves. Let’s look into Yoga for Complete Beginners 20 minute yoga workout.
Yoga for Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
A Yoga for Complete Beginner Home Workout
To begin with, let's see what yoga for complete beginner 20 minute home yoga workout is all about.
Yoga for Complete Beginners 20-Minute Home Fitness Workout - It provides the key guidelines needed for beginners level training but not so hard to follow along with it.
When practicing Yoga, we are usually required to sit for around 1 hour. During this time period, we use the breath and movement of the body to create balance and strengthen the muscles in our legs, hips, torso and shoulders. These muscles tend to be weak, yet they help us maintain a good posture. We also perform deep breathing while resting, which keeps in mind the fact that our lungs were not able to breathe during our first attempt at Standing Up Poses, thereby making your whole back and neck tense. Hence, we need to be well prepared for this kind of situations.
What is Yoga
Yoga is considered as one of the most ancient religions in India, with thousands of years of history on it. Practicing Yoga is about developing strong physical and emotional awareness. If we make effort to stay fit, we get mentally stronger, and physically healthier and this can lead to achieving greater success in life without compromising on the quality of your life. When practising Yoga, we go beyond being simply sitting cross legged positions and into standing straight up asanas and performing Breathing Positions.
Most importantly, Yoga is considered an art because of the different styles and modifications used by different masters. There are hundreds of variations of Yoga, depending upon the type of pose or the style, of course. The goal of Yoga for Complete Beginners 20-Minute Home Yoga Workout is to develop proper form by using several movements from the following categories :
1) Standup Stretch - In this session, you will be using your abdominal muscles to stretch as much as possible. The abdominal muscles should stretch far and tight in order to achieve this particular type of position. You should also stretch each leg together as well as rotate slightly on the left foot and right foot. This type of postures makes the entire whole body tighter.
2) Mountain Climber – This is certainly one of the most famous types of Yoga, where the abdominal muscles get stretched, so you have to stand upright and perform small hip rolls. While lying on the ground, rotate your left knee towards the buttocks. Bend a right arm forward and switch to a half plank position. Afterward, bend both legs and keep raising it upward. Hold this position for 30 minutes then do the same asanas again.
3) Wide Legged Forward Bend – Perform this postures, standing upright and bending over your knees. Walk backward and raise your legs until you can feel your feet touch the floor. Bring your hands together and stretch them up and down on the right side of your back and stretch both arms downward from your sides. Repeat the same exercise on the opposite side and return to the starting position. Come ahead and wrap your palms around your abdomen and perform this exercise two to three times per stretch with your hands behind you.
4) Warrior Poses – These are very similar in nature with the warrior's club pose but with a twist on the spine, twisting into a Half Moon Stance. Perform this round the front and round the back of your hand towards the core, keeping your chin lifted. Lift both legs off the ground and extend your chest towards the sky. Take control of this by giving yourself a high kick, and returning to the original position. Come on slowly and repeat this five to six times per stretch.
5) Cat-Cow Pose – Similar to the cat poses, cat-cow is a seated version of Full Leg Raises. Lie down on your back with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and your toes pointing inwards. Raise your legs above your head with your hands on top of your shoulders. Place your feet comfortably beneath your knees and roll your legs towards the ceiling. Roll back as you bring your legs back into the starting position and try to inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Go for 10–15 minutes and then repeat your same asanas twice each time.
6) Balasana – Balasana, is a low plank position. Lie down on your stomach under the feet. Extend yourself forward from your waist and pull your heels towards the ground. Bend your wrists and lift your front leg and turn it to face the door. Keep your upper back away from the door and draw your bow (inhale) up towards the sky. Return to the starting position. Repeat the steps for 5–7 minutes.
7) Butterfly Shaped Child’s Pose – This is a great way to release tension from your shoulders. Practice this by holding an elbow on each side of your head and fold your body over your legs. Bend your knees and stretch your feet towards the floor to give yourself a wider shoulder angle. Jump up and touch your toes towards the feet. Lower yourself back down and stretch your toes towards the ceiling as follows. Do 10–15 minutes every time and repeat.
8) Plank Pose – Try to hold this pose for 45–60 seconds. Start on your butt rather than your calves and lower yourself up from there. Extend your arms backwards with folded hands, bringing the elbows close to each other. Jump up from here and return to the mat to rest. This is a very basic and important exercise for the muscle development of the back.
9) Crescent Bridge – Begin in a standing position with your palms facing the front of each other. Step one foot forward and step one foot back. Put your arms in front and slowly bend your knees towards a star formation. Repeat this for 8–10 minutes and go for 15 minutes every time.
10) Single Arm Row – Make sure the elbows are placed parallel to the ribs and shoulder blades of the spine. Lower yourself down from a kneeling position to a squatting position, then get on your knees and turn your thighs slightly and reverse into a standing position. Repeat this for 8–10 minutes till your knee reaches 90 degree and then go for 10–15 minutes.
11) Ustrabasis – With your knees bent, bend your knees a few inches and reach behind your body to stretch your hands. Jump up and jump onto your toes and walk back to the mat. Repeat this for 30–50 minutes and then rest for 10–15 minutes.
12) Squat Down – Now squat down to a chair. Jump towards the seat and grab the handle. Swing your legs like running and drop yourself down by bending both knees. Walk back to the beginning position and repeat this for 60–80 minutes.
13) Hamstring Twist – Have your ankles and shoulders touch the ground and stand back up as this is the primary strength in the abdominal muscles. Bend your knees and reach to the ground for support. Jump right back to the starting position and repeat it for 60–80 minutes, or even more.
14) Tree Pose – To begin this, lie down on your stomach. Push your lower body, bending your knees and reaching your feet towards the ground. Jump back to the beginning position and repeat it for 10–15 minutes or more.
15) Reverse Dogger Kicks – Take a big leap as you are climbing up from a kneeling position to a standing one. Repeat this for eight–12 minutes and then take a break.
16) Admire Me Pose – Start in a standing position. Shift your attention to your eyes and stretch your body towards the wall. Grab the handles on the wall and pull yourself into a Spider Dog Kicks position with your knees. Stay with this position for 8–10 minutes. Afterward, it's time to take a breather and repeat the process again.
17) Legs Openers – Start by laying on your tum and raise your legs overhead until your feet are parallel to the ground. Bend your knees and sit down on your toes and open your legs into Single Arms Kicks as your body goes up. Continue to throw the leg openers for a total time of eight–10 minutes and then rest for 10–15 minutes.
18) Side Angle – Lift your legs up like someone is swinging
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |
Yoga For Complete Beginners 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout |