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Thursday, March 3, 2022

Relaxation Yoga

Relaxation Yoga

 Relaxation Yoga

This yoga practice is known as restorative yoga because it helps you to relax and focus on your breathing. It also strengthens the muscles of your shoulders, feet, wrists and neck and allows for flexible movements like walking, sitting or lying down. Restorative Pilates strengthens the core muscles that support our body from your head down to your toes, which improves flexibility and stability, especially when standing up. While practicing relaxation yoga at home, you will learn more about how to breathe deeply, control the way you move, increase strength, endurance, balance and flexibility, bettering a range of daily activities. The main type of relaxation yoga is hatha yoga and vinyasa with props used by both teachers. You will learn and improve in these different types of yoga, including poses for beginners, advanced flows by teacher, power flows that help relieve back pain, and all the benefits and challenges of this ancient form of meditation.

The following exercises can be practiced while practicing Restorative Yoga at Home

• Restorative Yoga Poses

• Breathing Exercises (Kriya)

• Headstands

• Lying Dogmatic Pose

• Standing Forward Bend Pose

• Shikantasana

• Plank Bicep Flexibility Adiposis Chair Pose

• Wide-Legged Crescent Moon Pose

• Cobra Stretch Knees

• Burpees

• Hip Hop Workout (Upside Down Twisty Doggy Roll)

• Power Flows That Help To Relieve Back Pain

• Surya Namaskar

• Goblet Jump Lunges

• Caturasanas

• Aries Warrior I Pose

• Reverse Triangle Crunch

• Butterfly Chain Twists

• Bridge Pins Ups

• Mountain Climbers

• High knees Raised Leg Lift With Hands & Arms

• Half Kicks

• Seated Crunches

• Sandwich Jogs

• Legs In Chairs

• Side Stretches

• Full Standups

• Posture For Front Shoulders

• Single Arm Wall Hike With Feet Out Flat On Ground

• Spinal Support (Rider’s Seat)

• Tree Pose

• Child’s Pose By One Foot

• Lower Body Vibration

• Trunk Swing

• Triangle Twist And Tuck Lunge With Feet Together At 90 Degrees

• Glide From Feet To Thighs

• Quick Walk And Jump Routine

• Long Walks

• Aerial Walker Takeshi Asari Noggini

• Zumbah Flow Massage

• Pull Up/CurlSprinting

• Abdominal Dips

• Cat Crawls

• Boat Bouts

• Recline Banded Neck Rope Jumps

• Chin-Up

• Eagle Pose With Your Hands Behind Bars

• Half Of My Body In One Hand

• Left-Handed Skipping

• Balancing In Between Both Feet

• Right-Handed Skipping

• Hamstring Strengthening

• Scissors Skipping

• Plank Stair Walk With No Breaks

• Fishbone Sitters – Push-Up

• Low Lunge Or Jackknife (Knees) – Beginner

• Open Toe Pose With Ankle Boots Off

• Squatting – Start With Weight

• Standing Single Leg Raise

• BirdDog -Forward Bend Without Using Palm Trees

• Pointless Knees

• Monkey Dog: Jump, Jump, Jump

• Bearcat

• Rabbit Ears Rock And Ball Fight

• Running Over Bed–Jumping

• Badass Spider Bite – Jump In! Jump Out! Jump Inside! Jump Get Me Wet – Jump In! Jump Out! Jump In! Jump Into Something

• Shark Roll – Jump In! Jump Out! Jump Inside! Jump Into More Toe Tip Than Once! Jump Into Nothing

• Peeping Tom Doggy Jump

• Crabwalking

• Bowel Walker Routine With Kidlets Under Pants

• Tightrope Walking – Step 1

• Baby Sprinters – Step 2

• Kickboxing

• Roller Coasters

• Jumping Jacks

• Jumping Frisbee

• Jumping Rope Surges

• Jumping Jump Ropes

• Box Jumping

• Jumping Horsejacks

• Jumping Marbles

• Jumping Snowballs

• Jumping Skaters

• Jump In / Jump Out of Teeth

• Mini Wheelchair Ride – Little Bopper

• Skip-Through Jumping Rope Rally

• Jumping Around Bar Rows

• Jumping Rope Struts

• Jumpin' On All Fours

• Jumpin' On The Floor – Barefoot

• Jumpin' Twists

• Jumpstarts

• Jumpin' Toes

• Jump-Off Dance Moves

• Jump into Position Hold – Stand On Sideline

• Jump Into Air Raid – Jump When You Can

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Bounce – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump Toes

• Jump – Jump – Jump ft

– Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump – Jump –

Relaxation Yoga

 Relaxation Yoga


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